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Monday, August 30, 2010


I closed my eyes for a moment to simply exhale!
And all of a sudden tears came down, but I couldn't
understand why? I wasn't sad, nor was I excited but here
they were with no warning! while my eyes were closed I seen
myself standing against a wall that read "Way of words"
font like a street sign, then all of a sudden adjectives
and verbs came pouring down the wall but no nouns! there were
no words reflecting a person, a place or a thing, and I was beginning
to realize this I began to beat on the wall, this beat, this old school beat
like Dougie Fresh beat boxing, after a few minutes of me becoming
one with the beat from my fist and this wall of words, capturing my
emotions, they came down, the nouns began raining down the wall swiftly and
I kept the beat going, I, I, I felt it in my heart, I became the noun!